
Green Bug Adventures Standards:

In addition to our ecotourism standards Green Bug Adventures also has other standards for the lodging providers that we work with.  Granted some of the places and locations that we provide trips to do not have the most luxurious accommodations but we still expect the service to be good, facilities also need to be clean and safe.  To do this we do an in person evaluation of each of the accommodation providers that we work with at least every two years.  Below you can see a PDF of the evaluation that we do.  On each of the lodging provider’s pages you will see the result of the evaluation with the average score of the establishment dictated from 1 to 5.  5 being perfect in cleanliness, visually pleasing, services, and safety.  1 is considered the worst score but you will probably not see anything below 3 on our pages because they will not even be included as an option for our tours and services.  You will also see a highlight below the score about the major things that affected their score either positively or negatively.  We ask our customers to inform us about their stay at these establishments to make sure that we did not miss anything and to make sure they are maintaining our standards.

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