Don’t worry we are still here

I know it has been entirely too long since my last blog post but there has been so much going on in the world of tourism in Ghana and West Africa I have just had to put it on hold.

Green Bug Adventures is still alive and providing adventures in Ghana we have survived the unfortunate down turn in Tourism due to Ebola and are still hoping for a comeback because West Africa has so much to share with travelers as a safe place to visit.  We can also now offer limited adventures to Togo, Benin and Burkina Faso.  We have moved our home base from Colorado to Oregon in the US.  I personally have moved to Ghana and live there full time working in tourism and building more capacity.

We are working on a new and improved Green Bug Adventures site and incorporating a better booking system, more community based tour options including day tours and urban walking tours.  We will also be providing and showcasing tours to Togo, Benin, and Burkina Faso.  So keep an eye out for all of these updates.

In addition to Green Bug Adventures I am working on the following businesses and projects in Ghana to build the tourism sector and capacity:

Superior Hospitality Solutions

This is my primary focus other than Green Bug Adventures.  We provide technology solutions, marketing and consultation to hotels throughout Ghana.  Our primary product is the Hotel Link Solutions services providing websites, booking platforms and distribution to hotels.  Some of the outlets of these developments are the following sites: –  If you search Ghana you can book and see all the hotels that we work within Ghana. –  Like Accommodation Central this portal will allow you to view and book the hotels we work with in Ghana but at a discount that is not available anywhere else on the web.

Destination Ghana-

As part of Superior Hospitality Solutions we are launching a new version of one of Ghana’s first websites dedicated specifically to Hotels in Ghana.  In addition to hotels this new portal will provide simple booking of rental cars, tours, travel insurance and airfare with a whole lot of travel information that will be good for Eco-travelers and even a more general audience.

Global Eco Village Network Ghana-

I have been invited to a very unique group of change makers in Ghana as an Ambassador to GEN Ghana, we are working to build the first Eco Village Network in Ghana as part of the Global Network.  This will only help all the practitioners in Ghana and make sure that we have a sustainable future along with many interesting places for you to visit.

In short Green Bug Adventures is still here and ready to show you how amazing West Africa is, we are growing in terms of knowledge and capacity but we have not kept up on our blog.  We look forward to hearing from you soon.



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